What the hell am I writing again in this blog? Just so happened that the subject is more suitable, but because of my talkativeness for a new blog following relatives. With the old readers, if any remained, would also like to share important. So... many years have passed since the moment I started to understand something. And from that moment was to convey his understanding to others through poems, stories and this blog. There was so much... mostly dirt. Not even being sociable and active I fully cut off from our society. Or rather from his ravaged people, most of which.
Endless false expectations, hope to find understanding, intelligence. Betrayal and lies. Nobody wanted to say nothing about something zadumyvatsya, but even to follow them, sometimes breaking under the slight pressure (which as such is difficult to call). Zombies of the majority and to this day never ceases to amaze me with their insanity.
Everything was so that I never became a reasonable man who acts according to the knowledge and soul while staying true to herself and not succumbing to influences. But nevertheless, I still got out of this swamp.
Even the recent past seems to me a very real prison. Where constantly trying to break all possible ways. And somehow miraculously I was able to follow the inner call, which eventually gave fruit.
All this in no small measure to the regular readers know of my background. About how I wanted to build. Which screams, but still many remain blind. It is impossible without knowledge to see the full picture of the world, only a clear top. And to perceive this knowledge, so that they become useful only with a clear head, not a broken soul, in agreement with himself. Only in this case they are revealed by becoming a understanding.
Can't say that always and everywhere was right. But all the same largely was. And not to say that now my life turned into a fairy tale. Much remains to be done. Compared to the past, I significantly increased my development doesn't stop. Even for a short period of time my condition is completely different, because of the advanced knowledge and understanding in the first place. For this I had not slomatsya then, not to be a stupid puppet of the television, "public opinion," "accepted norms", which all "somehow" have the same masters...
I now know it was the real evolutionary jungle. When understanding is not enough to clearly see many things, because there is no necessary knowledge. And who will give, who benefits? At school and at home I was told that I was stupid and I have no future that I blindly have to follow the ready-made templates. That's what "knowledge" I received from the society. Thanks to my late friend that got me hooked on the Dot and my brain at least a little bit started to work.
You'd think the colors of this life stage are associated with puberty. So why is this transition to adulthood, many never ends until old age?! Why a man doesn't grow a mind and soul over the years, but all the more sick, it becomes even more dependent on his passions, which often turns into a murderous pathology?! Why, even in those years people much older than me took my words as a revelation?!
Development not age related, as I have repeatedly said. But to completely write off too, is: can't people just know everything. Especially if the society constantly teaches him not to and psychological (not just psychological) effects that I now know and can prove (which, in principle, have long made for me) constantly frustrate. Here you can find the right information, the right books?! Even if to read in our time, not what "fu sucks like a goof", but no time. Well I'm still in time moved from online articles to books...
His past I see nothing but great luck. No matter accidental or not... this world is scary to have children. And I feel sad for those who forever will remain a child until his death, and otopes or degraded here.
Now I consciously build my destiny. If I was guided by the aspirations of the soul, now I can justify them not only some explanation, but the real facts that "reason" never say in the media, in schools, in families. Hushed up from people a lot.
And it is not so scary. Who is armed, he is protected. Weapons become knowledge. Why fight the power that Russian people never succeed and fail to win? If you can stupefied him, to solder, to play off each other so he destroyed himself. The information war we were not ready.
That's what I wanted to say to your readers: do not betray yourself. Listen to your soul, act according to THEIR principles. Not immediately, but it pays, and so that you even could not dream. And of course develop, to stand still is death. Although dead knowledge nothing. Lot of books to read does not mean understanding them. Understanding - here is what we should strive. It can't be disjointed, it draws the whole picture of the world, the vast vast and fascinating.
Don't know if I will write in this blog. I can give knowledge, but a lot is already there, there are authors who know much more than me. Learn to think for ourselves - without that, no development happens. And without development there is no life, just a meaningless existence governed by strangers.
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